At first I was very upset about this HUGE disagreement about whether Halle Bailey should be Ariel in the little Mermaid. Now, I understand why it COULD be a topic of discussion, but it is 2019. Our society is changing. Our culture has not had such a big change in our childhood for another race. It’s different I understand, that scares most. BUT, kids DO NOT CARE. A princes is a princess , a mermaid is a mermaid. If children are being TAUGHT that it matters what color Ariel’s skin is , that is not their fault. It’s the fault of the person teaching them that. They want to believe in a fairytale. Even if Ariel was Hispanic, Asian, or Mexican, SHE WOULD STILL BE BEAUTIFUL. Other people and races are capable of being great! Her personality, identify, or voice is not determined by her race. I won’t say people are right or wrong, but I will say people should have an open mind to allow themselves and their perspectives to grow.
It is an era for rise. WE as a community should encourage such an opportunity.
Also, someone made a very good point. Halle Bailey could have tried out for the role and had the best audition out of all of the participant and the producer didn't care if she was black or white. Just thought she would fit the role perfectly. 😊